Rankin Family Website
Week 26


(0)Monday December 10, 2001 - I had to work late today so I didn't go out to the house.

(4)Tuesday December 11, 2001 - I hooked up the three way switches in the utility room and put a temporary light fixture in place. I also installed a box for the oven plug, ran the wires for the light for the deck light with three way controls, installed the heat lamp fixtures in the bathrooms, installed the vent receptacles, put the cast iron bath tub in place, applied more expanding foam in the wall cavities, and added the remaining electrical boxes where they were missing. I also agreed to a quote for an AC system and they will do the rough in next Tuesday.

(0)Wednesday December 12, 2001 - I worked late for my real job again and then stopped by the hardware store on the way home.

(12)Thursday December 13, 2001 - The AC guys came today to start the rough in. I built a platform for the air handler to set it on. While they were working, I ran a wire to the front door, ran a couple wires in the exterior walls, built a wall at the end of the tub, set the tub in place, applied more expanding foam to doors and other areas, installed the oven plug, installed switches and plugs in the kitchen along with a temporary light, removed the temporary power box, and wired up a light in the attic, and put new brake shoes on the back hoe. One of the master cylinders was not working so I couldn't finish the brakes.

(11)Friday December 14, 2001 - I left the house at 5 this morning to go to the hardware store to get some lumber. I made it to the tractor place at 7 to get a new master cylinder and was back in Wimberley at 8:30 in time to pick up a couple of laborers. I had them move all of the tile to the patio from the trailer, pick up the remaining lumber off the ground and pick up more rocks for the exterior of the house. These guys worked till 6 and got quite a few rocks. I boxed in the chases for the fresh air inlet and the duct to the kitchen, put the master cylinder on the back hoe and moved a bunch of the rocks from the road to the house and smoothed out the driveway where it washed out in that last heavy rain. I left my camera at the house or I would have some pictures for you. I will try to add some pictures this weekend. Lowes was supposed to deliver my sheetrock today at 2. I called them about 1:30 to check on the status since no one has called for directions. The first time I called, I was put on hold for about 5 minutes so I hung up and called back. This is on my cell phone so I am wasting my minutes. The second call resulted in a couple of transfers and then I was put on hold. This time I waited for 20 minutes before hanging up. The third time, I told them " please don't put me on hold." So they took my number but then they didn't call back. I called again about 2:45 and finally got someone who knew what was going on. It turns out that they didn't have any sheet rock to ship and someone was supposed to have called. Well no one called, and I might get sheetrock on Monday. Well, Lowes is not my choice for big building material.

(8)Saturday December 15, 2001 - Today I hooked up the dryer vent, wired the smoke alarms to the alarm system, insulated the fresh air duct and one of the walls in the office, I ran a 220V line to the welder, applied more expanding foam to the exterior walls, put the forks on the back hoe and cut some new holes in the bucket to space them apart further, changed one of the back tires, topped off all the fluids to get it ready to take to Wink's tomorrow, added a light box in the guest bath over the mirror and wired the office for lights. Two guys showed up to pick up rocks but it was raining so they didn't get any thing done. They did bring a native central American stone artisan to bid on the masonry job on the house. I went with them to look at some houses and fences that they have done. Depending on the bid, I may get them to start next week. Below is a picture of some of the rocks that they have been picking up around the property along with some other pictures of the progress. The gauge shows the pressure on the plumbing holding steady for a week now. I guess there are no leaks. When I got home, I took out all the Christmas decorations and we put up the tree.

(0)Sunday December 16, 2001 - I left the house about 6 this morning to drive the tractor to Wink's house. I am supposed to help him unload the truck on Tuesday. Remember, Wink is the only one that helped me when my panels were delivered. Hopefully we won't have to unload them on the road and haul them to the house like I had to.

Week 26


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